2022 | 20' a "Schubertiade" based on the poetry of Joan Fuster sop, cl, pno Commissioned by the Godella International Chamber Music Festival (Valencia, Spain) for their "Schubertiade" event to celebrate the centenary of Joan Fuster's birth.
La Fusteriada
Performed by Quiteria Muñoz (sop), Luis Giner (pno), Bernardino Assunçao (cl), and Lola Moltó and Paula Braguinsky (acting). Godella. 23/7/2022. Teatre Capitolio.
2020 | 17' operatic response to Naum Gabo's eponymous sculpture v, fl, vn, tpt Commissioned by the Barber Institute of Fine Arts (Birmingham) for their event in their Barber Lates programme "Nocturnes: Ethereal Science / Constructing Beauty" in 2020.
Linear Construction in Space No. 1
Excerpt from the 2020 performance at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts (Birmingham). Performed by Roxanne Korda (v), Arjun Jethwa (fl), Edwin Podolski (vn), and Daniel Blanco (tpt).
2019 | 17' operatic response to Lauren Gaults' eponymous sculpture installation voice and electronics Commissioned by Grand Union Birmingham, as part of an artistic residency.
dry eyes
Performance of "dry eyes" on the 1st of March 2019 at Grand Union Gallery, Birmingham (UK)
2019 | 8' "Ancestral", "La Matinada", "La Terra" for soprano and cello Adapted for the Plaerdemavida ensemble, based on previous works based on Josepa's texts.
3 poemes de Josepa Montagut
2017 | 13' for a singer pianist (also for voice and piano) Written for the pianist Eric McElroy for a concert of pieces in which the pianist sings while playing. Based on an Occitan poem by Bernat de Ventadorn.
Can l'erba
Excerpt from "Can l'erba", performed by Robin Morton (v), and Stefanos Politsakis (pno).
2016 | 8' "La Senda", "La Matinada", "La Terra" for soprano and violin A series of three vocal miniatures based on Josepa Montagut's poems from her work "Papallones silenciades sobre una mar de gel".
3 poemes de Josepa Montagut
2015 | 6' bar, vn, va, tpt Piece written for and winner of the Philip Bates Composition Prize, setting the modernist poem by Joan Salvat-Papasseit.
Sageta de Foc
Excerpt from "Sageta de Foc", performed at the 2015 Philip Bates composition prize concert.
2015 | 3' for a cappella small chorus Chorus - SSAATTBB Written for the vocal ensemble Via Nova, based on a poem by Joan Salvat-Papasseit.
"Omega", performed by Via Nova Ensemble in 2025., Conducted by Daniel Galbraith.
2012 | 3' for soprano and piano Based on a poem by Joan Salvat-Papasseit.
Si anessis lluny
Soprano - Noelia Castillo Piano - Toni Moya, recorded at the Valencia Conservatory studios.